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William Shakespeare's political thriller tells the story of the conspiracy against Caesar, his assassination and the defeat of his conspirators. Jealous conspirators convince Caesar's friend Brutus to join their assassination plot against Caesar. To stop Caesar from gaining too much power, Brutus and the conspirators kill him on the Ides of March. Mark Antony drives the conspirators out of Rome and fights them in a battle. Brutus and his friend Cassius lose and kill themselves, leaving Antony to rule in Rom
The main characters are all very well portrayed, each with a separate personality, quirks and role to play in the story. The story itself is heartbreaking, full of the emotion of the characters as they deal with life, death and love, this is beautifully realised. Dracula touches on many themes, savagery, love, religion, technology and xenophobia to name just a few. It leaves you thinking upon it for a long time afterwards and is required reading for any fan of horror or vampires. Dracula is to vampire novel
Originally, Cranford was published in eight parts in Charles Dickens' journal, Household Words. The first installment appeared in 1851 with more following in 1852 and finishing in 1853. As Peter Keating suggests in his introduction to the Penguin edition of Cranford, the delay in the installments was due to the writing of Ruth, published in 1853 (Keating 8). Cranford is different from the other novels by Elizabeth Gaskell in that it is the depiction of a small English village and is concerned with the every
Set in a topsy-turvy world like a holiday revel, this comedy devises a romantic plot around separated twins, misplaced passions, and mistaken identity. Juxtaposed to it is the satirical story of a self-deluded steward who dreams of becoming "Count Malvolio" only to receive his comeuppance at the hands of the merrymakers he wishes to suppress.
Adem'den Önce, insanlığın çok eskide kalmış döneminde, yarı-insansı atalarımızı ele alan bir serüven romanı. Jack London, Darwin'e ve evrim kuramının işaret ettiği gerçeklerle paralel detaylar taşıyan kitabında, rüyaları aracılığıyla nesiller önceki atalarının hayatını anımsayan, gen hafızasına kaydedilenlere hapsolmuş birinin ikili yaşantısını anlatıyor. Gündüzleri 20. yüzyıl Amerikasındaki olağan yaşantısına devam eden küçük kahramanımız, geceleri uykuya daldığında bambaşka bir hayatın ve dönemin içerisin
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately," Thoreau writes, "to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Except for a couple of more explicitly religious works, Walden is my favorite book, one I'd want with me on a desert island surrounded by pond water. -Washington Post
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately," Thoreau writes, "to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Except for a couple of more explicitly religious works, Walden is my favorite book, one I'd want with me on a desert island surrounded by pond water. -Washington Post
First published in serial form in Household Words in 1854-1855 and in volume form in 1855. On its appearance in 'Household Words,' this tale was obliged to conform to the conditions imposed by the requirements of a weekly publication, and likewise to confine itself within certain advertised limits, in order that faith might be kept with the public. Although these conditions were made as light as they well could be, the author found it impossible to develope the story in the manner originally intended, and,
The Wind in the Willows, book of linked animal tales by British writer Kenneth Grahame that began as a series of bedtime stories for his son and was published in 1908. The beautifully written work, with its evocative descriptions of the countryside interspersed with exciting adventures, became a classic of English children's literature. - Britannica
The Wizard Of Oz is a high fantasy, magic and wizardry children's novel. The author of this novel L. Frank Baum wrote 17 more books about the Wizard Of Oz. The story had been made into films many times. The most famous were made in 1939 and 2013. He wanted to write a fairy tale that was full of mystery, imagination and magic.
Vanity Fair, novel of early 19th-century English society by William Makepeace Thackeray, published serially in monthly installments from 1847 to 1848 and in book form in 1848. Thackeray's previous writings had been published either unsigned or under pseudonyms; Vanity Fair was the first work he published under his own name. The novel takes its title from the place designated as the centre of human corruption in John Bunyan's 17th-century allegory Pilgrim's Progress. The book is a densely populated multilaye
Vanity Fair, novel of early 19th-century English society by William Makepeace Thackeray, published serially in monthly installments from 1847 to 1848 and in book form in 1848. Thackeray's previous writings had been published either unsigned or under pseudonyms; Vanity Fair was the first work he published under his own name. The novel takes its title from the place designated as the centre of human corruption in John Bunyan's 17th-century allegory Pilgrim's Progress. The book is a densely populated multilaye
(With a dictionary for difficult words.) "What is Man?" is Mark Twain's most serious, philosophical and private book. He had worked on it for a long time until he was finally satisfied with it, bu still chose not to release it until after his death. Consisting primarily of a long dialogue between an old man and a young man, the book argues that humans are largely mechanistic in their thoughts and actions. It is a thought-provoking work of philosophy which will make you re-evaluate this much-loved author. A
The novel combines a satire on conventional novels of polite society with one on Gothic tales of terror. Catherine Morland, the daughter of a country parson, is the innocent abroad who gains worldly wisdom: first in the fashionable society of Bath and then at Northanger Abbey itself, where she learns not to interpret the world through her reading of Gothic thrillers. -Britannica
Persuasion, novel by Jane Austen, published posthumously in 1817. Unlike her novel Northanger Abbey, with which it was published, Persuasion (written 1815–16) is a work of Austen's maturity. Like Mansfield Park and Emma, it contains subdued satire and develops the comedy of character and manners. Persuasion tells the story of a second chance, the reawakening of love between Anne Elliot and Captain Frederick Wentworth, whom eight years earlier she had been persuaded not to marry. Wentworth returns from the
Pride and Prejudice is set in rural England in the early 19th century, and it follows the Bennet family, which includes five very different sisters. Mrs. Bennet is anxious to see all her daughters married, especially as the modest family estate is to be inherited by William Collins when Mr. Bennet dies. At a ball, the wealthy and newly arrived Charles Bingley takes an immediate interest in the eldest Bennet daughter, the beautiful and shy Jane. The encounter between his friend Darcy and Elizabeth is less co
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