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"Shakespeare illustrates art's ethical functionality, but he also clarifies the dif-ference between art and religion. The final scene takes place within a context that is metatheatrical and overtly artificial. Paulina emphasizes the point for us: "That she is living / Were it but told you, should be hooted at / Like an old tale" Peter Goldman
Sokrates, gençleri yeni fikirlerle baştan çıkarmak ve tanrıları reddetmek suçundan yargılandı. Hayatına kastedilen M.Ö. 399'daki mahkeme hitabet türünün ilk örneklerinden sarsıcı bir savunmaya sahne oldu. Sokrates'in savunmasını izlemeye gelen meraklı topluluk arasında, öğrencisi Platon da bulunuyordu. Bu elim hadise sonrasında Platon, özgünün ruhuna dürüstçe sadık kaldığı, Sokrates'in ağzından söylettiği konuşmayla Batı felsefesine giriş için yazılmış en eski metni kaleme aldı. Eser aynı zamanda, suçlayanl
Finishing Flatland, a novella published by British mathematician and teacher Edwin Abbott a good 20 years before Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and the growth of quantum mechanics, leaves the reader wondering what Abbott could possibly have known about these later figures and events. But the book's very existence underscores just how fundamental those 20th century ideas are. The entire premise of Flatland, in fact, is about shaking our perceptions of what we believe to be our own – and only – physi
Çocukluk yıllarını birbirleriyle kavga ederek geçiren Sermet ve Macit, bu kavgaların tek sebebinin karşılıklı duydukları aşk ve kıskançlık yüzünden olduğunu gençlik yıllarının ilk zaman­larında anlarlar. Hüzünlü ve tutku dolu bu aşkı hayallerinde yaşayan iki genç, birbirlerine duygularını ifade ettikleri anda kavuşma ve hayatlarından vazgeçme arasındaki o ince sessiz­liğin karanlığında, Ferda-yı Garam endişeleriyle kaybolurlar. Mehmet Rauf, edebiyatımızda ilk psikolojik roman olma özel­liği taşıyan Eylül'de
David Copperfield, in full The Personal History of David Copperfield, novel by English writer Charles Dickens, published serially in 1849–50 and in book form in 1850. David Copperfield has always been among Dickens's most popular novels and was his own "favourite child." The work is semiautobiographical, and, although the title character differs from his creator in many ways, Dickens related early personal experiences that had meant much to him—his work in a factory, his schooling and reading, and (more cur
The Beast in the Jungle, short story by Henry James that first appeared in The Better Sort (1903). Despite its slow pace, implausible dialogue, and excessively ornate style, it is a suspenseful story of despair, with powerful images of fire, ice, and hunting. The Beast in the Jungle concerns John Marcher, a neurotic egoist obsessed with the lurking feeling that something incredible is to happen to him. This impending fate has a predatory quality, like "a crouching beast in the jungle." Consumed with antici
The Mysteries of Udolpho is a quintessential Gothic romance, replete with incidents of physical and psychological terror; remote, crumbling castles; seemingly supernatural events; a brooding, scheming villain; and a persecuted heroine. Ann Radcliffe's fourth and most popular novel, The Mysteries of Udolpho follows the fortunes of Emily St. Aubert, who suffers, among other misadventures, the death of her father, supernatural terrors in a gloomy castle and the machinations of an Italian brigand.
The Mysteries of Udolpho is a quintessential Gothic romance, replete with incidents of physical and psychological terror; remote, crumbling castles; seemingly supernatural events; a brooding, scheming villain; and a persecuted heroine. Ann Radcliffe's fourth and most popular novel, The Mysteries of Udolpho follows the fortunes of Emily St. Aubert, who suffers, among other misadventures, the death of her father, supernatural terrors in a gloomy castle and the machinations of an Italian brigand.
Henry James's great, humane masterpiece, The Portrait of a Lady (1881), the story of a young, spirited American woman "affronting her destiny", is many readers' favourite of his books. All his critics and biographers put it at the centre of his life and work. It is his turning-point. From being a popular and promising author specialising in Americans in Europe (Daisy Miller, The Europeans, The American), he became an important, renowned figure, acknowledged as a "master" of consciousness, cultural perceptio
Henry James's great, humane masterpiece, The Portrait of a Lady (1881), the story of a young, spirited American woman "affronting her destiny", is many readers' favourite of his books. All his critics and biographers put it at the centre of his life and work. It is his turning-point. From being a popular and promising author specialising in Americans in Europe (Daisy Miller, The Europeans, The American), he became an important, renowned figure, acknowledged as a "master" of consciousness, cultural perceptio
Washington Square is a great read for anyone who wants to ponder some of life's big questions about relationships and love. So why is this novel so mesmerizing? It possesses a talent for posing tantalizingly unanswerable questions that are essential to life. What is acceptable to love about someone? Is it wrong to love them for things that they were born with, such as their wealth and status? And at what point can one be absolved from their commitment to loving someone when that person or things about them
The Road is Jack London's collection of stories from his life as a hobo. In this entertaining collection of tales and autobiographical essays, London relates every aspect of the hobo's life -- from catching a train to cadging a meal. The wealth of experiences and the necessity of having to lie for a living brought depth London's subsequent stories. In "The Road," Jack London relates the tricks that hobos used to evade train crews, and reminisces about his travels with Kelly's Army. Jack London later credite
Originally published in part form, subtitled "A Study of Provincial Life", Middlemarch is a slow, unfolding story of the lives and loves of one Midlands town (thought to be Coventry), as well as a reflection on the bigger political issues and changes in mid-19th century England. -Independent
Vanity Fair, novel of early 19th-century English society by William Makepeace Thackeray, published serially in monthly installments from 1847 to 1848 and in book form in 1848. Thackeray's previous writings had been published either unsigned or under pseudonyms; Vanity Fair was the first work he published under his own name. The novel takes its title from the place designated as the centre of human corruption in John Bunyan's 17th-century allegory Pilgrim's Progress. The book is a densely populated multilaye
Henry James's great, humane masterpiece, The Portrait of a Lady (1881), the story of a young, spirited American woman "affronting her destiny", is many readers' favourite of his books. All his critics and biographers put it at the centre of his life and work. It is his turning-point. From being a popular and promising author specialising in Americans in Europe (Daisy Miller, The Europeans, The American), he became an important, renowned figure, acknowledged as a "master" of consciousness, cultural perceptio
Die Schatzinsel ist ein Klassiker in der Jugendliteratur, der 1883 in Buchform erschien. Robert Louis Stevenson ließ sich von einer Schatzkarte inspirieren und schrieb den spannenden Roman für seinen Stiefsohn Lloyd – über einen Jungen namens Jim Hawkins, der auf der Suche nach einem Piratenschatz bis in die Südsee kommt und dabei aufregende Abenteuer erlebt. Das Buch ist überwiegend in der Ich-Perspektive, aus der Sicht des Romanhelden Jim, geschrieben.
La Fille du Capitaine est un roman publie par Alexandre Pouchkine en 1836. Se deroulant au xviiie siecle, principalement dans les steppes situes au sud de l'Oural, il a pour thème les aventures et les amours de deux jeunes gens pris dans la tourmente de la révolte d'Emelian Pougatchev. La Fille du capitaine est considere comme l'un des premiers chefs d'oeuvre de la litterature russe. -Goodreads
Michael, a likeable, gentle dog, is found on the beach by the crewmen of a whaleboat who believe he can be a turned into a profitable show dog. However, such an endeavor cannot be launched without cruelty to the animal. This is a pre-1923 historical reproduction that was curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors tha
"Each reader will take something different from this amazing, labyrinthine, terrifying and often claustrophobic narrative. For me, the dominant theme – very close to James's heart – is the story of Maggie Verver's education, both literal and emotional, and her subtle resolution of an impossible and perhaps dreadful situation. At the end, Maggie has saved her marriage, and her father prepares to return to America, leaving his daughter older, wiser and (apparently) reconciled to her husband. American literatu
For this volume we have chosen five stories that are further proof of his effectiveness and variety. Only towards the end of The House of Mapuhi does the reader realize who the true protagonist is; The Law of Life presents us with an atrocious destiny, accepted by all with naturalness and also almost with innocence; Lost Face is the salvation of a man under torture by a terrible artiface; The Minions of Midas details the pitiless methods of a group of anarchists; The Shadow and the Flash renews and enriches
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