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Toplam 75 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 60-80 / Aktif Sayfa : 4
Uykunun ağırlığını üzerimden atınca, istesem de kıpırdayamayacağımı anladım. Yattığım yerde bacaklarımdan, kollarımdan hatta saçlarımdan yere yapışmışım gibi geldi bana. Gözlerimi açtım; yan gözle bakarak görebildiğim kadarıyla kıl kadar incecik iplerle sıkı sıkıya bağlanmıştım. İpler ince olsa da koparamayacağım kadar sağlamdı. Sırtüstü yatıyordum ve başımı sağa sola kıpırdatamıyordum. Az sonra, bir takım sesler duydum. Ardından da üzerime böcekler çıkmaya başladı. Birden aklım başımdan gitti; yoksa ins
The Man and the Lightning A MAN Running for Office was overtaken by Lightning. "You see." said the Lightnning, as it crept past him inch, "I can travel considerably faster than you." "Yes," the Man Running for Office replied, "but think how much longer I keep going!" The All Dog A LION seeing a Poodle fell into laughter at the ridiculous spectacle. "Who ever saw so small a beast?" he said. "It is very true," said the Poodle, with austere dignity, "that I am small. But, sir, I beg to observe that I am all
Here is a very serious reason, my dear sisters, why at last, after an absence of twenty years in America. I am confiding to you this strange secret in the life of our beloved and lamented father, and of the old house where we were children together. The truth is, if I read rightly the countenances of my physicians are they whisper to each other by the window of the chamber. In there, I am lying, that only a few days of this life remain to me. It is not right that this secret should die with me, my dear sis
It was many years ago. Hadleyburg was the most honest and upright town in all the region round about. It had kept that reputation unsmirched during three generatinos, and was prouder of it than of any other of its possessions. It was so proud of it, and so anxious to insure its perpetuation. That it began to teach the principles of honest dealing to its babies in the cradle, and made the like teachings the staple of their culture thenceforward through all the years devoted to their education. Also, througho
I did it, I who should have known better. I persuaded Reginald to go to the McKillops' garden-party against his will. We all make mistakes occasionally. "They know you're here. And they'll think it so funny if you don't go. And I want particularly to be in with Mrs. McKillop just now." "I know, you want one of her smoke Persian kittens as a prospective wife for Wumples, or a husband, is it?" Reginald has a magnificent scorn for details, other than sartorial. "And I am expected to undergo social martyrdom t
In the eastern side of the Dead Sea rose the citadel peak of basalt, and was surrounded by four deep valleys, one on each side, another in front, and the fourth in the rear. At the base of the citadel, crowding against one another, a group of houses stood within the circle of a wall, whose outlines undulated with the unevenness of the soil. A zigzag road, cutting through the rocks, joined the city to the fortress. The walls of which were about one hundred and twenty cubits high, having numeros angles and or
Pere Merlier's mill, one beautiful summer evening, was arranged for a grand fete. In the courtyard were three tables, placed end to end, which awaited the guests. Everyone knew that Francoise, Merlier's daughter, was that night to be betrothed to Dominique. He was a young man who was accused of isleness. But the fair sex for three leagues around gazed at him with sparkling eyes, such a fine appearance had he. Pere Merlier's mill was pleasing to look upon. It stood exactly in the center of Rocreuse, where t
At Paris there are almost always two seperate parties going on at every ball and rout. First, an official party, composed of the persons invited, a fashionable and much, bored circle. Each one grimaces for his neighbour's eye. Most of the younger women are there for one person only. Each woman has assured herself that for that one. She is the handsomest woman in the room, and that the opinion is perhaps shared by a few others, a few insignificant phrases are exchanged, as; "Do you think of going away soon
It was nine o'clock. The little town of Vauchamp, dark and silent, had just retired to bed amid a chilly November rain. In the Rue des Recollets, one of the narrowest and most deserted streets of the district of Saint-Jean, a single window was still alight on the third floor of an old house. Its damaged gutters torrents of water were falling into the street. Mme Burle was sitting up before a meager fire of vine stocks. Her little grandson Charles pored over his lessons by the pale light of a lamp. The ap
The lovely lady Imperia, who gloriously opens these tales. Because she was the glory of her time, was compelled to come into the town of Rome. After the holding of the council, for the cardinal of Ragusa loved her more than his cardinal's hat, he wished to have her near him. This rascal was so manificent. He presented her with the beautiful palace that he had in the Papal capital. About this time she had the misfortune to find herself in an interesting condition by this cardinal. As everyone knows, this p
En Kapsamlı Seyahat ve Konuşma Rehberiniz - Temel Bilgiler - Varış - Otel - Banka - Postane - Sağlık - Alışveriş - Seyahat - Dışarıda Yemek - Arkadaşlık - Ticari Terimler - Sözlük - İş adamları için hazırlanmış özel bölüm - 1000'i Aşkın Deyim - Kolay Anlaşılabilir Telaffuz - Renkli Özel Bölümler - Örnek Konuşmalar - Ülkeler ve Kullanılan Ticari Diller Listesi
"Will you tell me a story this evening, father?" asked William P. a fine lad been a gallant officer in the revolutionary war. "And what story shall I tell you, my son?" said the general. "Something about the war, father." "You are always for hearing about the war, William," said General P.: "I have told you almost all the stories I recollect. And besides, William, if you love to hear about war so well, when you are young, you will wish to be a soldier, when you become a man." "Well, well, William," said
The graat hurricane of March 1865 destroyed cities and forest and ships in many parts of the world. When the wind began -quite suddenly- there were four men, a boy, and a dog high in the air in the basket of a balloon. They were escaping from the town of Richmond, Virginia, where the men had been prisoners of war. "Are we rising again?" "No. On the contary." "Are we descending?" "Worse than that, captain! We are falling!" "For Heaven's sake heave out the ballast!" "There! The last sack is empty!" "Does the
There were once upon a time two brothers, one rich and the other poor. The rich one was goldsmith and evil-hearted. The poor one supported himself by making brooms, and was good and honorable. The poor one had two children, who were twin brothers and as like each other as two drops of water. The two boys went in and out of the rich house, and often got some of the scraps to eat. It happened once when the poor man was going into the forest to fetch brush-wood. That he saw a bird which was quite golden and m
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 75 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 60-80 / Aktif Sayfa : 4