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Toplam 67 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 60-80 / Aktif Sayfa : 4
Bu kitap güzel, çünkü bir güzelin aynası. Tüm insanlara rahmet olarak gönderilen en sevgilinin eşsiz güzelliklerini yansıtıyor... Her kelimesine onun gül kokusu sinmiş Ruhlar Sultanının ibretlerle dolu hikâyeleri ve onun birer yıldıza benzeyen arkadaşlarının öyküleri var içinde... Metinler aslına uygun. Dil ve anlatım pınar suyu gibi duru, berrak, akıcı Kalbe feyiz, akla nur, nefse terbiye, ruha itidal, hayale istikamet veren gerçek bilgelik hikâyeleri bunlar Dünya gamından kalbi yananlar, gönül derdine de
The philosophy book which you have been looking for: Should it be unique... Should it be crazy... Should it be wild... Should it be a little funny... Should it be reliable... Should it be simple and short... Should it be enjoyed while reading it... Well there you go, you are looking right at it... This book explains the essence, summary and foundations of Philosophy... It introduces Philosophers in a chronological order and talks about their lifestyles. It explains their fundamental thoughts in short... You
You are an intelligent person..... One who reads, thinks, and wants to understand the meaning of life.... Your mind just wont settle down..... You have questions, interrogations.... You dont want to be just anyone. You ask Who am I? Why am I in this world, where am I heading, What will happen after death? You cant live without thinking... You cant stop the voice of your heart.... I know, sometimes you cant even fit into this world.... The wings of your heart touch the skies..... You believe with all your he
After you finish reading this book, you will become a completely different person! When you start to ask questions like, What is the meaning of life, where did I come from, what will happen after death?, the only answer you will get is, Are you crazy?. Or they might say, Did you have a fight with your boyfriend!. They cannot imagine that normal people too can question life Well, its not like I care! A smart young girl... She reads books... Thinks..... Questions.... She neither believes nor denies... She i
Mervin is a story of the development of a young german officer during World War II. We are taken in this life from his rose-colored years of naivete and innocence through his experience first hand with the destruction and atrocities of war. We live his life with him as he grows up as a young man in Nazi Germany going to university in the midst of the rise of the Third Reich. We are with him when he falls in love for the first time and when he holds a weapon for the first time. We are captured and taken to a
Bunlar eski diyarların haberleridir. Hepsi mühürlenmiş bir kitapta saklanıyor. Karanlıkları delen yıldız, yeryüzünü kaplayan tufan, tapınak yapan cinler ve saba melikesi Belkıs Beşiğinde konuşan bebek, dirilten ölüler, mektup taşıyan Hüdhüd kuşu ve insan suretinde melekler Yarılıp yol veren deniz, etkisi bir ömür süren rüyalar, maharetli sihirbazlar, Zülkarneyn, Yecüc ve Mecüc Kaderin sırlarını bilen adam, balığın karnında yolculuk, benzeri söylenemeyen sözler ve cennetteki prolog Görkemli sutunlar sahibi
I used to search for stars in the dark and the fig trees would smile. And there was a bat at our door, on its nightwatch. When? God knows when it was... Maybe I was a child. I used to keep silent, my silence was a poem... You used to look at me from a distance, in a way that caused pain. Your eyes were dark. I would embroider a rose onto the frame I held in my hands. Because the age of love back then was a whole lifetime. When? God knows when it was, life was spring, and maybe I was just a child. I forgot t
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 67 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 60-80 / Aktif Sayfa : 4