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Toplam 69 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 20-40 / Aktif Sayfa : 2
1547-1616) The Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra was born on October 9, 1547 in Alcalá de Henares near Madrid. On September 19, 1580, Cervantes turned his experiences from captivity into a play entitled Los tratos de Argel . In order to pay off his debt, Miguel de Cervantes tried to earn money as a writer. His first novel La primera parte de la Galatea appeared in 1584. In 1597-98 and 1602 Miguel de Cervantes was sent to prison again for having embezzled moneys as a tax collector. At that time,
Since the beginning of the electronic age, the world has become a more complex place. The developments in information technologies have reached well beyond human imagination. As an ordinary human mind can barely comprehend today's developments, futurists call this era as the infancy of the mankind. The sharing of the information became the most important driving force of the new world. The Works of researchers increased in value so long as they share it with other people. Today, the nature of information is
Since the beginning of the electronic age, the world has become a more complex place. The developments in information technologies have reached well beyond human imagination. As an ordinary human mind can barely comprehend today's developments, futurists call this era as the infancy of the mankind. The sharing of the information became the most important driving force of the new world. The Works of researchers increased in value so long as they share it with other people. Today, the nature of information is
Since the beginning of the electronic age, the world has become a more complex place. The developments in information technologies have reached well beyond human imagination. As an ordinary human mind can barely comprehend today's developments, futurists call this era as the infancy of the mankind. The sharing of the information became the most important driving force of the new world. The Works of researchers increased in value so long as they share it with other people. Today, the nature of information is
Since the beginning of the electronic age, the world has become a more complex place. The developments in information technologies have reached well beyond human imagination. As an ordinary human mind can barely comprehend today's developments, futurists call this era as the infancy of the mankind. The sharing of the information became the most important driving force of the new world. The Works of researchers increased in value so long as they share it with other people. Today, the nature of information is
Since the beginning of the electronic age, the world has become a more complex place. The developments in information technologies have reached well beyond human imagination. As an ordinary human mind can barely comprehend today's developments, futurists call this era as the infancy of the mankind. The sharing of the information became the most important driving force of the new world. The Works of researchers increased in value so long as they share it with other people. Today, the nature of information is
Since the beginning of the electronic age, the world has become a more complex place. The developments in information technologies have reached well beyond human imagination. As an ordinary human mind can barely comprehend today's developments, futurists call this era as the infancy of the mankind. The sharing of the information became the most important driving force of the new world. The Works of researchers increased in value so long as they share it with other people. Today, the nature of information is
Revised and updated with new words that reflect vocabulary requirements for success in the current SAT's Critical Reading and Writing sections, this card pack presents 300 words on 50 vocabulary recognition cards plus a handy six-card index. The card case is designed with a viewing window. Users slide cards past the window, first to see the word and its part of speech; second, to see the word's definition; third, to see it used in an example sentence; and fourth, to see and learn other words with related me
Habia una vez un rey y una reina que estaban tan afligidos por no tener hijos, tan afligidos que no hay palabras para expresarlo. Fueron a todas las aguas termales del mundo; votos, peregrinaciones, pequenas devociones, todo se ensayo sin resultado.
Una pequena ciudad al norte de Alemania, Ilamada Hameli. Su paisaje era placentero y su bellaza era exaltada por las riberas de un rio ancho y profundo que surcaba por allş. Y sus habitantes se enorgullecian de vivir en un lugar tan apacible y pintoresco.
Un molinero dejo, como unica herencia a sus tres hijos, su molino, su burro y su gato. El reparto fue bien simple: no se necesito Ilamar ni al abogado ni al notario. Habrian consumido todo el pobre patrimonio.
Las tres jovenes, agraciadas y poseedoras de muchas riquesaz, eran solicitadas en matrimonio por muchos mercaderes de la region, pero las dos mayores los despreciaban y rechazaban diciendo que solo se casarian con un noble: por lo menos un duque o conde.
Habia una vez un pobre campesino. Una noche se encontraba sentado, atizando el fuego, y su esposa hilaba sentada junto a el, a la vez que lamentaban el hallarse en un hogar sin ninos.
El Hada de los Azules caballeros, que habia adoptado a pinocho, resolvio celebrar el buen resultado en los examenes del muneco con una gran merienda en la que tomarian parte todos los amiguitos de este.
Un hombre muy rico que perdio a su esposa y quedo solo en el mundo con su pequena hija. Por mas que se sintieran muy tristes y solitarios, los dos vivieron reponiendose de la dolorosa perdida un tiempo. Pero, ai realizar un viaje a otra camarca, el hombre conocio a una mujer y se caso de nuevo, y desde entonces las cosas cambiaron para la nina.
Ese debe ser un huevo de pavo -dijo-. A mi me ocurrio eso mismo una vez. İNo te imaginas mi preocupacion! El chiquillo no se acercaba al agua por mas que yo trataba de obligarlo. Mi consejo es que dejes ese huevo quieto y no le prestes atencion- concluyo la vieja pata.
Muhasebe ve İnşa Sürecinde Aklı Selim (Arapça) Muhasebe, ancak akl-ı selim bir yaklaşım ve inşa ile birlikte ele alınırsa amacına ulaşır. İnşa süreci, kendimiz olmaya karar vermekle başlar. Bizler, insanlık ailesi içinde yer alan koca bir ümmetin parçasıyız. Bu sebeple ümmetin, acılarını hisseden vicdanı olmalıyız. Bizler, ümmetin bazen başı, bazen gözü, bazen eli, bazen de kolu olduk. Bizler, ancak Müslümanların ve insanlığın dertleriyle dertlendikçe ve bu dertlere çözümler üretebildikçe BİZ olacağız. Tar
‘...Thought and extension may be regarded asconstituting the natures of intelligent and corporeal substance; and then they must not be otherwise conceived than as the thinking and extended substances themselves, that is, as mind and body, which in this way are conceived with the greatest clearness and distinctness. Moreover, we more easily conceive extended or thinking substance than substance by itself, or with the omission of its thinking or extension. For there is some difficulty in abstracting the notio
"...The facts relating to this apparition (entered in various log-books) agreed in most respects as to the shape of the object or creature in question, the untiring rapidity of its mo-vements, its surprising power of locomotion, and the peculi-ar life with which it seemed endowed. If it was a whale, it sur-passed in size all those hitherto classifıed in science. Taking into consideration the mean of observations made at divers times—rejecting the timıd estimate of those who assigned to this object a length
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Toplam 69 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 20-40 / Aktif Sayfa : 2