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Toplam 876 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 80-100 / Aktif Sayfa : 5
Binbir Çiçek Level Books are specially written for very young readers. It is their first step towards independent reading. The stories in Level Three consist of simple text using about 600-800 easy and commonly used words. The words are repeated often to facilitate their recognition. The sentence structure is kept simple to encourage independent reading. The colourful illustrations add further enjoyment to the reading process, giving opportunity to discuss the story while reading. Binbir Çiçek Level kita
İngilizceyi Sorun Olmaktan Çıkarıp Uluslararası İnsan İletişiminde Zirveye Çıkın Yaşamda başarılı ve mutlu olmak için insanlarla aktif iletişim, olay, durum ve kişilere karşı akılcı tutum ve olumlu yaklaşımlar, çoğu zaman mesleki/teknik bilgiden daha da fazla önem kazanmaktadır. Ülkemizde birçok insan ve teknik eleman, yeterli fırsat ve etkin kaynak bulamadığı için İngilizceyi iyi öğrenememiştir. Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan bir ülkenin çağdaş ve modern bireyleri olarak, dünyadaki tüm teknolojik ve kültürel
Wahlen Sie einfach ein Thema aus und beginnen Sie es zu üben! Die deutsche Grammatik gilt für viele Deutschlerner sehr komplex und schwer. Es gibt zwar gröse Auswahl an Grammaatikbüchern, aber man muss mit abwechslungsreichen Übungen das Gelernte verinnerlichen und vertiefen. Nur so kann man das Gelernte langfristig im Gedachtnis speichern. Unser Übungsbuch richtet sich insbesondere an dieses Ziel. Dank der vielen Übungen finden Lernende von Deutsch ais Fremdsprache die Möglichkeit, auf einfachste Weise un
Mualla Atlamaz was born in Samsun. She graduated from İktisadi ve Ticari İlimler Akademisi (Academy of Commerce and Economics) in İstanbul. In U.S.A., she became a teacher of Foreign Service Institute Language School of the State Department. She has applied the F.S.I. method together with linguists for 3 years as a Turkish language instructor. For the following 10 years, she has worked as a Turkish teacher in Consulate of U.S.A. in İstanbul. She has also taught Turkish in summer courses of the Turkish-Ame
Toplam 5 Kitap ! * Alfabe * Etkinlikler * Sayılar * Renkler * Mevsimler
- En Sık Kullanılan Sözcükler - Türkçe Karşılıklı ve Söylenişleri - Temel Dilbilgisi Açıklamalı
This well - known ``classic`` among the pocket - sized dictionaries, now completely revised and brought up - to date, fetures: * Many new words recently coined by Türk Dil Kurumu, Ankara * Full pronunciation given, using letters of the Turkish alphabet * Indication of prepositions and suffixe * Clear and easy- to read Eypography The best handy - sized reference for use at home, in the office, in school, and for travel
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born in Moscow in 1799. He was liberally educated and left school in 1817. Given a sinecure in the Foreign Office, he spent three dissipated years in St Petersburg writing light, erotic and highly polished verse.The rest of his life was soured by debts and the malice of his enemies. Although his literary output slackened, he produced his major prose works The Queen of Spades and The Captain's Daughter, his masterpiece in verse, The Bronze Horseman, important lyrics and fair
Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania on November 29, 1832. American author, known for her children books, especially Little Women. Alcott draws her material from her own family and from the New England milieu where she had grown up. Originally she begun writing ´rubbish novels´, sometimes anonymously, sometimes as ´Alcott´, to contribute to the family income. Although Alcott is often considered as a juvenile writer (her first biographer, Ednah Dow Chaney, labelled her as The Children´s Friend ), she
PAE, IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, PROFICIENCY, YDS ve diğer PROFICIENCY sınavlarındaki Reading, Vocabulary ve Listening bölümlerinde başarıyı etkileyen bir yetenek geliştirme kitabıdır.
GUS kneels and unties his shoelace, adn slowly takes off one of his shoes. He looks inside it and takes out a flattened matchbox. He puts it in his pocket, and then puts on his shoe.
"Fun With English" (Eğlenceli İngilizce) adlı kitabımız çok zengin içerikte, ilgi çekici ve eğlenceli konuların bir araya getirilmesiyle hazırlanmış bir derlemedir. Kitabın başlıca hedefleri arasında, İngilizceye karşı merak ve ilgi uyandırarak dilin öğrenilmesini kolaylaştırmak gelmektedir. Ayrıca, dil öğrenmek, o dilin kullanıldığı ülkenin kültürünü de bilmeyi gerektirdiğinden, bu hedefe İngiliz ve Amerikan kültürlerine ait deyimler, fıkralar ve kültür testlerine de yer verilerek ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 876 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 80-100 / Aktif Sayfa : 5