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Kentsel dönüşüm ya da yeniden yapılandırma, bir süredir en önemli toplumsal meselelerden biri haline geldi. Özellikle son yıllarda İstanbul'daki dönüşüm, yeni soylulaştırma projeleri, konut sektörünün şişmesi, göç olgusu gibi gündemleriyle şehir planlaması, yalnızca pratik sonuçlarıyla değil, toplumsal hafızaya ve şekillenmeye etkisi ile de konuşulur oldu. İstanbul gibi kaotik ve sürekli inşaat halindeki bir şehrin bugünkü durumunun sorumlusunun kim olduğu, mimarlık çevreleri, aydın, akademisyen ve entelekt
In its transition from 18th century capital of the Ottoman Empire to economic powerhouse of the Turkish Republic, Istanbul has been altered beyond recognition. This intricate and original account charts the urban transformation of an iconic and hybrid city and, through this, delves into the broader arena of Turkey's history. After the establishment of the Republic, Turkey increasingly turned to the West for ideas about how to develop a modern culture, and Istanbul became a forum for different regimes to dis
This is the latest in the popular Watermark Architectural Guides series, covering the architecture of this huge and ancient city from Byzantine ruins to modern high-rise. Istanbul is one of the world's most exciting and culturally diverse cities and, like most great cities, it has architecture to match. Covering more than two millennia its buildings range from the lofty and many-tiered aqueducts built by the Romans to Ottoman mosques, with their attendant bath houses, schools and hospitals. In Beyoglu, acro
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Toplam 3 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1