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Toplam 24 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 20-40 / Aktif Sayfa : 2
Hannah and Jane are in the car. They ate returning home from school. Hannah stayed after school for netball practice. `Our first match is in 3 weeks,` Hannah tells Jane, `and Mrs Gregory told me that I will be on the team.` `That`s fantastic news!` Jane congratulates her, `which position will you play?` `Either goal scorer or goal attack,` Hannah replies.
Today is Saturday. It is a very special day because the Smith family are going to a wedding. Carol is marrying her fiance, Tom. Carol is Alan`s niece. It is June and today the sky is blue and the sun is shining. Carol`s Mum and Dad live in a village called Lathom in West Lancashire. The wedding will be at 2:00pm at a small church near to their house. The church is called Lathom Park Chapel.
It is 4pm on Friday. Hannah is walking home from school with her friends. Tomottow is the school fair. `My class are selling second-hand toys.` Sally tells her friends. `My class are seling plants,` says Dabbie, `what are you doing Hannah?` `We are serving tea and coffe,` replies Haneh, `I am making some biscuits to sell.
Today is the day before Christmas; Christmas Eve. Jane is getting up early. She is going to the supermarket. She will buy all the family's food for Christmas. Hannah is Jane's daughter and she is going with her mum to help her. 'Come on Hannah, get up, it is 7 o'clock. We must set off soon,' Jane calls. Hannah is still asleep in bed. 'I'm coming! I will get dressed quickly,' she replies.
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Toplam 24 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 20-40 / Aktif Sayfa : 2