Anasayfa Arama sonuçları
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This work is an analysis of the life of Ömer Ziyâeddin Dağıstânî (1849-1921) and two of his political works, which he completed as a Sufi scholar (âlim). Throughout his life, he served in various parts of the Ottoman Empire as well as occupying various positions such as mufti of a regiment (alay müftüsü), deputy judge (nâib), professor (müderris), and Naqshbandi sheikh. He wrote two political works during the Second Constitutional Period: Hadis-i Erbaîn fî Hukuki's-Selâtîn and Mir'ât-ı Kânûn-i Esâsî. This s
Sadece stokta olanlar : 
Toplam 1 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1