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Anne Bronte was born on January 17, 1820, in Thornton, Yorkshire, England, the sister of fellow writers Charlotte and Emily Bronte. Said to be the meeker and less talented Bronte sister, Anne was raised in a strict Anglican home by her clergyman father and a religious aunt after her mother and two eldest siblings died. Anne was largely educated at home and worked as a governess for a several years before working on a book of poetry with her sisters, Charlotte and Emily, in 1846 Anne contributed 21 poems to
Compelling in its imaginative power and bold naturalism, the novel opens in the autumn of 1827, when a mysterious woman who calls herself Helen Graham seeks refuge at the deso-late moorland mansion of Wildfell Hall. Bronte's enigmatic heroine becomes the object of gossip and jealousy as neighbors learn she is escaping from an abusive marriage and living under an assumed name.
Anne Bronte (17 January 1820 - 28 May 1849) was a British novelist and poet, the youngest member of the Bronte literary family. The daughter of a poor Irish clergyman in the Church of England, Anne Bronte f lived most of her life with her family at the small parish of Havvorth on the Yorkshire moors. For a couple of years she went to a boarding school. At the age of nineteen, she left Havvorth vvork-ing as a governess betvveen 1839 and 1845. After leaving her teaching position, she fulfilled her literary a
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